-HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
-AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
2. List all of the ways that HIV is transmitted.
-Vaginal secretions
-breast milk
3. What actions can you take to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS?
-you can get tested for HIV
-practice safe methods to prevent HIV
-decide not to engage in high risk behaviors
-talk about HIV preventions with family, friends, and colleagues
-provide support to people living with HIV/AIDS
-or get involved with or host an event for World Aids Day in your community
4. Choose one of the facts sheets and share the information that you learned from it on your blog.
-In 2004, about 4,883 young people have been diagnosis with HIV/AIDS, but the proportions of people whom have been infected was consider of young age within the last 12 months. For example, %18: ages 15-24, %70: ages 13-14, %61: are the remaining rest/
5. Share this blog with a friend, or educate him or her about the HIV epidemic.